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Just a little crazy around here.....

Well we are coming down to the wire and only have 4 days left.. Sorry I haven't posted lately we have made a lot of progress and actually had our first night in Hanke last night! Went well making a change or two.. BUT note to self... don't forget to pack the silverware.. good thing we are still in the state.. lol

So over the last week we have installed the ceiling, cabinets, countertop, microwave along with built an inclosure, fridge, flooring, bed, curtains, tested the electrical and solar power, and moved in!!!!

SO much to share..

Went grocery shopping for the first time.. man you really have to change your way of thinking when "tiny home" shopping.. we will need to shop every 4-5 days which is not a big deal as it is only the 2 of us.

Parred down the material items... that was difficult at times as I was going through the kitchen items, keepsakes, or pictures on the wall and would have a flashback.. and realize there is not any room in our new home for the platter that I served all the holiday meals on for the past 20 years.. So it is time to pass some of those memories on to our adult children. If you know me you know that I love.. love home decor and pictures of my family... yeah that too is very limited so I will pick a few and change them out regularly. So while paring down our clothes we went from a walk in closet and 2 full dressers to 2 bins each... YUP 2 12 x 12 bins.. crazy huh!! But seriously we wear the same clothes all the time so why do we need it.. We kept some nicer dress-up clothes for our special date night and then a suit and a classy dress for that once in a great while occasion. I must say it felt good to purge all the unnecessary items.

Still working through the back injury, I start PT on Wednesday and then I will get in 2 sessions and we will go to the closing on the house and then HIT THE ROAD!!!!!!

But I will share all the pics thus far.. yes there is a lot of changes and we ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT!!!!!!!!

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